npm package diff

Package: @forge/api

Versions: 3.9.2-next.0-experimental-c7a7d36 - 3.8.1-experimental-204139e


Index: package/out/runtime/fetch-and-storage.js
--- package/out/runtime/fetch-and-storage.js
+++ package/out/runtime/fetch-and-storage.js
@@ -17,21 +17,22 @@
 exports.getFetchAPI = getFetchAPI;
 function getRequestStargate(provider) {
-    if (provider !== 'app' && provider !== 'user') {
-        throw new Error(`Unsupported provider: ${provider}`);
-    }
     const sandboxApi = global.api;
     if (sandboxApi) {
         switch (provider) {
+            case 'none':
+                return sandboxApi.__requestAtlassian;
             case 'app':
                 return sandboxApi.asApp().__requestAtlassian;
             case 'user':
                 return sandboxApi.asUser().__requestAtlassian;
+            default:
+                throw new Error(`Unknown provider: ${provider}`);
-    return (0, fetch_1.__fetchProduct)({ provider, remote: 'stargate' });
+    return (0, fetch_1.fetchProduct)({ provider, remote: 'stargate' });
 exports.getRequestStargate = getRequestStargate;
 exports.__requestAtlassianAsApp = getRequestStargate('app');
 exports.__requestAtlassianAsUser = getRequestStargate('user');


Index: package/out/api/fetch.js
--- package/out/api/fetch.js
+++ package/out/api/fetch.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 "use strict";
 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-exports.getSandboxRuntimeAPI = exports.getNodeRuntimeAPI = exports.addMagicAgent = exports.handleProxyResponseErrors = exports.getForgeProxyError = exports.createRemoteUrlWithPath = exports.fetchRemote = exports.__fetchProduct = void 0;
+exports.getSandboxRuntimeAPI = exports.getNodeRuntimeAPI = exports.addMagicAgent = exports.handleProxyResponseErrors = exports.getForgeProxyError = exports.createRemoteUrlWithPath = exports.fetchRemote = exports.fetchProduct = void 0;
 const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
 const node_fetch_1 = tslib_1.__importStar(require("node-fetch"));
 const _1 = require(".");
 const runtime_1 = require("./runtime");
@@ -17,20 +17,21 @@
     finally {
-function __fetchProduct(args) {
+function fetchProduct(args) {
     return async (path, init) => {
         const url = productURL(args.remote, path);
         init = (0, exports.addMagicAgent)(init);
-        const defaultHeaders = getDefaultHeaders(init.headers, args);
-        init.headers = { ...init.headers, ...defaultHeaders };
+        if (!hasAuthorizationHeader(init.headers)) {
+            init.headers = { ...init.headers, authorization: `Forge ${args.provider}` };
+        }
         const response = await (0, node_fetch_1.default)(url, init);
         (0, exports.handleProxyResponseErrors)(response);
         return response;
-exports.__fetchProduct = __fetchProduct;
+exports.fetchProduct = fetchProduct;
 function fetchRemote(args) {
     return async (path, init) => {
         const remoteUrl = createRemoteUrlWithPath(`https://${args.remote}`, path);
         init = (0, exports.addMagicAgent)(init, 'EXTERNAL_AUTH_REQUEST');
@@ -83,18 +84,12 @@
         throw new errors_1.ProxyRequestError(response.status, errorReason);
 exports.handleProxyResponseErrors = handleProxyResponseErrors;
-const getDefaultHeaders = (headersInit, args) => {
-    let defaultHeaders = {};
-    const headers = new node_fetch_1.Headers(headersInit);
-    if (!headers.has('Content-Type')) {
-        defaultHeaders = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' };
-    }
-    if (!headers.has('authorization')) {
-        defaultHeaders = { ...defaultHeaders, authorization: `Forge ${args.provider}` };
-    }
-    return defaultHeaders;
+const hasAuthorizationHeader = (headersInit) => {
+    if (!headersInit)
+        return false;
+    return new node_fetch_1.Headers(headersInit).has('authorization');
 function productURL(remote, path) {
     if (!path.startsWith('/')) {
         path = '/' + path;
@@ -168,25 +163,25 @@
 function getNodeRuntimeAPI() {
     return {
         fetch: (0, _1.wrapWithRouteUnwrapper)(node_fetch_1.default),
-        requestJira: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'none', remote: 'jira' })),
-        requestConfluence: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'none', remote: 'confluence' })),
-        requestBitbucket: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'none', remote: 'bitbucket' })),
+        requestJira: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'none', remote: 'jira' })),
+        requestConfluence: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'none', remote: 'confluence' })),
+        requestBitbucket: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'none', remote: 'bitbucket' })),
         asUser: () => ({
-            requestJira: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'user', remote: 'jira' })),
-            requestConfluence: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'user', remote: 'confluence' })),
-            requestBitbucket: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'user', remote: 'bitbucket' })),
-            requestGraph: (0, _1.wrapRequestGraph)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'user', remote: 'stargate' })),
-            requestConnectedData: (0, _1.wrapRequestConnectedData)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'user', remote: 'stargate' })),
+            requestJira: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'user', remote: 'jira' })),
+            requestConfluence: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'user', remote: 'confluence' })),
+            requestBitbucket: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'user', remote: 'bitbucket' })),
+            requestGraph: (0, _1.wrapRequestGraph)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'user', remote: 'stargate' })),
+            requestConnectedData: (0, _1.wrapRequestConnectedData)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'user', remote: 'stargate' })),
         asApp: () => ({
-            requestJira: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'app', remote: 'jira' })),
-            requestConfluence: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'app', remote: 'confluence' })),
-            requestBitbucket: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'app', remote: 'bitbucket' })),
-            requestGraph: (0, _1.wrapRequestGraph)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'app', remote: 'stargate' })),
-            requestConnectedData: (0, _1.wrapRequestConnectedData)(__fetchProduct({ provider: 'app', remote: 'stargate' }))
+            requestJira: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'app', remote: 'jira' })),
+            requestConfluence: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'app', remote: 'confluence' })),
+            requestBitbucket: (0, _1.wrapRequestProduct)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'app', remote: 'bitbucket' })),
+            requestGraph: (0, _1.wrapRequestGraph)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'app', remote: 'stargate' })),
+            requestConnectedData: (0, _1.wrapRequestConnectedData)(fetchProduct({ provider: 'app', remote: 'stargate' }))
 exports.getNodeRuntimeAPI = getNodeRuntimeAPI;


Index: package/out/index.js
--- package/out/index.js
+++ package/out/index.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 "use strict";
 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-exports.isExpectedError = exports.isHostedCodeError = exports.isForgePlatformError = exports.FUNCTION_ERR = exports.HttpError = exports.InvalidWorkspaceRequestedError = exports.NotAllowedError = exports.RequestProductNotAllowedError = exports.ProductEndpointNotAllowedError = exports.ExternalEndpointNotAllowedError = exports.FetchError = exports.ProxyRequestError = exports.NeedsAuthenticationError = exports.__getRuntime = exports.getAppContext = exports.routeFromAbsolute = exports.assumeTrustedRoute = exports.route = exports.SortOrder = exports.FilterConditions = exports.WhereConditions = exports.startsWith = exports.createRequestStargateAsApp = exports.__fetchProduct = exports.__requestAtlassianAsUser = exports.__requestAtlassianAsApp = exports.webTrigger = = = = exports.invokeRemote = exports.requestBitbucket = exports.requestConfluence = exports.requestJira = exports.fetch = exports.authorize = exports.asApp = exports.asUser = exports.privacy = void 0;
+exports.isExpectedError = exports.isHostedCodeError = exports.isForgePlatformError = exports.FUNCTION_ERR = exports.HttpError = exports.InvalidWorkspaceRequestedError = exports.NotAllowedError = exports.RequestProductNotAllowedError = exports.ProductEndpointNotAllowedError = exports.ExternalEndpointNotAllowedError = exports.FetchError = exports.ProxyRequestError = exports.NeedsAuthenticationError = exports.__getRuntime = exports.getAppContext = exports.routeFromAbsolute = exports.assumeTrustedRoute = exports.route = exports.SortOrder = exports.FilterConditions = exports.WhereConditions = exports.startsWith = exports.createRequestStargateAsApp = exports.__requestAtlassianAsUser = exports.__requestAtlassianAsApp = exports.webTrigger = = = = exports.invokeRemote = exports.requestBitbucket = exports.requestConfluence = exports.requestJira = exports.fetch = exports.authorize = exports.asApp = exports.asUser = exports.privacy = void 0;
 const storage_1 = require("@forge/storage");
 const authorization_1 = require("./authorization");
 Object.defineProperty(exports, "authorize", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return authorization_1.authorize; } });
 const properties_1 = require("./properties");
@@ -12,10 +12,8 @@
 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__requestAtlassianAsApp", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return fetch_and_storage_1.__requestAtlassianAsApp; } });
 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__requestAtlassianAsUser", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return fetch_and_storage_1.__requestAtlassianAsUser; } });
 const remote_1 = require("./api/remote");
 Object.defineProperty(exports, "invokeRemote", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return remote_1.invokeRemote; } });
-const fetch_1 = require("./api/fetch");
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__fetchProduct", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return fetch_1.__fetchProduct; } });
 function withDeprecatedMessage(method, message) {
     const wrappedMethod = (...args) => {
         return method(...args);


Index: package/out/api/runtime.js
--- package/out/api/runtime.js
+++ package/out/api/runtime.js
@@ -12,18 +12,17 @@
     return runtime;
 exports.__getRuntime = __getRuntime;
 function getAppContext() {
-    const { appId, appVersion, environmentId, environmentType, invocationId, installationId, moduleKey, license } = __getRuntime().appContext;
+    const { appId, appVersion, environmentId, environmentType, invocationId, installationId, moduleKey } = __getRuntime().appContext;
     return {
         appAri: (0, ari_1.getAppAri)(appId),
         environmentAri: (0, ari_1.getEnvironmentAri)(appId, environmentId),
         installationAri: (0, ari_1.getInstallationAri)(installationId),
-        moduleKey,
-        license
+        moduleKey
 exports.getAppContext = getAppContext;
 function wrapInMetrics(name, fn, { tags } = {}) {


Index: package/package.json
--- package/package.json
+++ package/package.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
   "name": "@forge/api",
-  "version": "3.9.2-next.0-experimental-c7a7d36",
+  "version": "3.8.1-experimental-204139e",
   "description": "Forge API methods",
   "author": "Atlassian",
   "license": "UNLICENSED",
   "main": "out/index.js",
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@
     "clean": "rm -rf ./out && rm -f tsconfig.tsbuildinfo",
     "compile": "tsc -b -v"
   "devDependencies": {
-    "@forge/runtime": "5.10.1",
+    "@forge/runtime": "5.9.0",
     "@types/node": "14.18.63",
     "expect-type": "^0.17.3",
     "jest-matcher-specific-error": "^1.0.0",
     "nock": "13.5.4"
   "dependencies": {
     "@forge/auth": "0.0.5",
     "@forge/egress": "1.2.13",
-    "@forge/storage": "1.5.15",
+    "@forge/storage": "1.5.15-experimental-204139e",
     "@forge/util": "1.4.4",
     "@types/node-fetch": "^2.6.11",
     "node-fetch": "2.7.0"


Index: package/out/runtime/
--- package/out/runtime/
+++ package/out/runtime/
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file


Index: package/out/api/
--- package/out/api/
+++ package/out/api/
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file


Index: package/out/
--- package/out/
+++ package/out/
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file


Index: package/out/api/
--- package/out/api/
+++ package/out/api/
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file


Index: package/
--- package/
+++ package/
@@ -1,53 +1,17 @@
 # @forge/api
-## 3.9.2-next.0-experimental-c7a7d36
+## 3.8.1-experimental-204139e
-### Patch Changes
-- 7e506ec: Add default content-type as JSON in @forge/api product requests
-- 7e506ec: Forge SQL SDK added
-## 3.9.2-next.0
-### Patch Changes
-- d3e9d37: Add default content-type as JSON in @forge/api product requests
-## 3.9.1
-### Patch Changes
-- 6c9b381: Update comment referent to node-runtime (no code change)
-## 3.9.1-next.0
-### Patch Changes
-- 6c9b381: Update comment referent to node-runtime (no code change)
-## 3.9.0
 ### Minor Changes
-- 1eaeb60: Include app license information in the getAppContext Api
+- 1a47515: feat: introduces bulkSet operation
 ### Patch Changes
-- 59f7240: Remove unsupported provider type 'none' in getRequestStargate function
+- Updated dependencies [1a47515]
+  - @forge/[email protected]
-## 3.9.0-next.1
-### Patch Changes
-- 59f7240: Remove unsupported provider type 'none' in getRequestStargate function
-## 3.9.0-next.0
-### Minor Changes
-- 1eaeb60: Include app license information in the getAppContext Api
 ## 3.8.1
 ### Patch Changes


Index: package/out/api/fetch.d.ts
--- package/out/api/fetch.d.ts
+++ package/out/api/fetch.d.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 import { RequestInit, Response } from 'node-fetch';
 import { FetchAPI, FetchMethod } from '..';
 export declare type AuthProvider = 'app' | 'user' | 'none';
-declare type RemoteAPI = 'jira' | 'confluence' | 'stargate' | 'bitbucket' | 'sql';
+declare type RemoteAPI = 'jira' | 'confluence' | 'stargate' | 'bitbucket';
 declare type ExternalAuthProvider = string;
 declare type ExternalAuthRemote = string;
 declare type FetchArgs = {
     provider: AuthProvider;
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
     provider: ExternalAuthProvider;
     remote: ExternalAuthRemote;
     account: string;
-export declare function __fetchProduct(args: FetchArgs): FetchMethod;
+export declare function fetchProduct(args: FetchArgs): FetchMethod;
 export declare function fetchRemote(args: ExternalAuthFetchArgs): FetchMethod;
 export declare function createRemoteUrlWithPath(baseUrl: string, path: string): URL;
 export declare const getForgeProxyError: (response: Response) => string | null;
 export declare const handleProxyResponseErrors: (response: Response) => void;


Index: package/out/index.d.ts
--- package/out/index.d.ts
+++ package/out/index.d.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 import { RequestInit, Response } from 'node-fetch';
-import { QueryApi, EntityStorageApi } from '@forge/storage';
+import { QueryApi, TransactionApi, EntityStorageApi, BulkItem, BulkResponse } from '@forge/storage';
 import { authorize } from './authorization';
 import { Route } from './safeUrl';
 import { webTrigger } from './webTrigger';
 import { __requestAtlassianAsApp, __requestAtlassianAsUser } from './runtime/fetch-and-storage';
 import { invokeRemote } from './api/remote';
-import { __fetchProduct } from './api/fetch';
 export declare type APIResponse = Pick<Response, 'json' | 'text' | 'arrayBuffer' | 'ok' | 'status' | 'statusText' | 'headers'>;
 export declare type FetchMethod = (url: string, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<APIResponse>;
 export declare type FetchMethodAllowingRoute = (url: string | Route, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<APIResponse>;
 export declare type RequestProductMethod = (url: Route, init?: RequestInit) => Promise<APIResponse>;
@@ -45,16 +44,17 @@
 export interface StorageMethods {
     get: (key: string) => Promise<any>;
     set: (key: string, value: string | number | boolean | Record<string, any> | any[]) => Promise<void>;
     delete: (key: string) => Promise<void>;
+    bulkSet: (items: BulkItem[]) => Promise<BulkResponse>;
 export interface PropertiesAPI {
     onJiraProject: (context: string) => StorageMethods;
     onJiraIssue: (context: string) => StorageMethods;
     onConfluencePage: (context: string) => StorageMethods;
     onConfluenceSpace: (context: string) => StorageMethods;
-export interface StorageAPI extends StorageMethods, QueryApi, EntityStorageApi {
+export interface StorageAPI extends StorageMethods, QueryApi, TransactionApi, EntityStorageApi {
 export interface ForgeStorageAPI extends StorageAPI {
     getSecret: (key: string) => Promise<any>;
     setSecret: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<void>;
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@
 export declare const privacy: {
     reportPersonalData: (accounts: import("./privacy").Account[]) => Promise<import("./privacy").AccountUpdate[]>;
 export default API;
-export { asUser, asApp, authorize, fetch, requestJira, requestConfluence, requestBitbucket, invokeRemote, store, storage, properties, webTrigger, __requestAtlassianAsApp, __requestAtlassianAsUser, __fetchProduct };
+export { asUser, asApp, authorize, fetch, requestJira, requestConfluence, requestBitbucket, invokeRemote, store, storage, properties, webTrigger, __requestAtlassianAsApp, __requestAtlassianAsUser };
 export declare const createRequestStargateAsApp: () => FetchMethod;
 export { QueryBuilder, QueryApi, EntityStorageApi, Condition, ListResult, Predicate, Result, Value, WherePredicate, FilterPredicate, startsWith, WhereConditions, FilterConditions, SortOrder } from '@forge/storage';
 export { route, assumeTrustedRoute, routeFromAbsolute, Route } from './safeUrl';
 export { ForgeRuntime, AppContext, getAppContext, __getRuntime } from './api/runtime';


Index: package/out/api/runtime.d.ts
--- package/out/api/runtime.d.ts
+++ package/out/api/runtime.d.ts
@@ -19,21 +19,8 @@
         key: string;
     accounts: ExternalAuthMetaDataAccount[];
-export declare type CapabilitySet = 'capabilityStandard' | 'capabilityAdvanced';
-export declare type License = {
-    isActive?: boolean;
-    billingPeriod?: string;
-    capabilitySet?: CapabilitySet;
-    ccpEntitlementId?: string;
-    ccpEntitlementSlug?: string;
-    isEvaluation?: boolean;
-    subscriptionEndDate?: string;
-    supportEntitlementNumber?: string;
-    trialEndDate?: string;
-    type?: string;
 export declare type ForgeRuntime = {
     proxy: ProxyInfo;
     contextAri: string;
     container: {
@@ -50,9 +37,8 @@
         installationId: string;
         functionKey: string;
         moduleType: string;
         moduleKey: string;
-        license?: License;
     aaid?: string;
     allowedEgress: string[];
     lambdaContext: {
@@ -77,9 +63,8 @@
     environmentType: string;
     invocationId: string;
     installationAri: InstallationAri;
     moduleKey: string;
-    license?: License;
 export declare function __getRuntime(): ForgeRuntime;
 export declare function getAppContext(): AppContext;
 export declare function wrapInMetrics<Args extends unknown[], Ret>(name: string, fn: (...args: Args) => Promise<Ret>, { tags }?: {