npm package diff

Package: @forge/react

Versions: 10.10.0 - 10.10.1-next.0

File: package/out/components/dynamic-table.js

Index: package/out/components/dynamic-table.js
--- package/out/components/dynamic-table.js
+++ package/out/components/dynamic-table.js
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.DynamicTable = void 0;
+const jsx_runtime_1 = require("react/jsx-runtime");
+const react_1 = require("react");
+const content_wrapper_1 = require("./utils/content-wrapper");
+ * These are internal components that the table head and rows are converted into.
+ * This is to ensure that they are correctly reconciled into ForgeDoc before being sent over
+ * the bridge. On the product frontend, the ForgeDoc is transformed back into the props the
+ * ADS DynamicTable expects.
+ * */
+const DynamicTablePrimitive = 'DynamicTable';
+const Cell = 'Cell';
+const Row = 'Row';
+const DynamicTable = ({ head, rows, ...tableProps }) => {
+    const transformedHead = head? => {
+        const { content, key: cellKey, ...cellProps } = cell;
+        const reconciledContent = 
+        // @ts-ignore Not all constituents of type JSXElementConstructor are callable.
+        (0, react_1.isValidElement)(content) && typeof content.type === 'function' ? content.type(content.props) : content;
+        return (
+        // The 'key' prop needs to be renamed as it is a reserved keyword in React, and won't
+        // get included in the props object otherwise.
+        (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(Cell, { cellKey: cellKey, ...cellProps, children: reconciledContent }, cellKey));
+    });
+    const transformedRows = rows?.map((row) => {
+        const { cells, key: rowKey, ...rowProps } = row;
+        const transformedCells = => {
+            const { content, key: cellKey, ...cellProps } = cell;
+            const reconciledContent = 
+            // @ts-ignore Not all constituents of type JSXElementConstructor are callable.
+            (0, react_1.isValidElement)(content) && typeof content.type === 'function' ? content.type(content.props) : content;
+            return ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(Cell, { cellKey: cellKey, ...cellProps, children: reconciledContent }, cellKey));
+        });
+        return ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(Row, { rowKey: rowKey, ...rowProps, children: transformedCells }, rowKey));
+    });
+    return ((0, jsx_runtime_1.jsxs)(DynamicTablePrimitive, { ...tableProps, children: [(0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(content_wrapper_1.ContentWrapper, { name: "head", children: transformedHead }), (0, jsx_runtime_1.jsx)(content_wrapper_1.ContentWrapper, { name: "rows", children: transformedRows })] }));
+exports.DynamicTable = DynamicTable;