npm package diff
Package: @forge/cli-shared
Versions: 6.5.2 - 6.5.2-experimental-4d5d98e
File: package/out/ui/text.js
Index: package/out/ui/text.js
--- package/out/ui/text.js
+++ package/out/ui/text.js
@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Text = exports.capitalise = void 0;
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
const chalk_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("chalk"));
+const yaml_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("yaml"));
const terminal_link_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("terminal-link"));
const case_1 = require("case");
const log_symbols_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("./log-symbols"));
const log_color_1 = require("./log-color");
@@ -20,10 +21,10 @@
const forge = (...args) => command('forge', ...args);
const autoSpaceSentences = (...sentences) => sentences
.filter((sentence) => sentence.length > 0)
.join(' ');
-function itemList(items) {
- return => ` - ${item}`).join('\n');
+function itemList(items, indent) {
+ return => `${indent ?? ' '}- ${item}`).join(`\n${indent ?? ''}`);
const fatalError = (message) => chalk_1.default.bold(;
const keytarAccessErrorBase = (message) => `Keytar error detected: ${message}`;
const capitalise = (word) => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);
@@ -472,8 +473,147 @@
+ version: {
+ cmd: {
+ cmdName: 'version',
+ desc: 'app version information'
+ },
+ diff: {
+ cmdName: 'compare',
+ error: {
+ noVersionProvided: 'Please provide 2 versions to compare'
+ },
+ option: {
+ version1: '1st version to compare',
+ version2: '2nd version to compare',
+ outFile: 'specify a file to output the results'
+ },
+ desc: `returns the details of two versions of the app for comparison. Details include:\n${itemList([
+ 'deployment date',
+ 'egress',
+ 'policies',
+ 'scopes',
+ 'connect keys',
+ 'functions',
+ 'remotes',
+ 'modules',
+ 'license'
+ ])}`,
+ start: 'Comparing app versions...',
+ end: 'Comparing app versions...',
+ details: {
+ banner: (envKey, envType, version1, version2) => `${} Comparison between app versions [${chalk_1.default.bold(version1)} and ${chalk_1.default.bold(version2)}] in [${exports.Text.env.displayEnvironment(envKey, envType)}] is shown below:`
+ }
+ },
+ check: {
+ cmdName: 'details',
+ option: {
+ majorVersion: 'specify a major version',
+ json: 'output results in JSON format',
+ outFile: 'specify a file to output the results'
+ },
+ error: {
+ invalidMajorVersion: (property) => `Invalid major version number${property ? ` for ${property}` : ''}`
+ },
+ desc: `returns the details of a specific version of the app. Details include:\n${itemList([
+ 'egress',
+ 'policies',
+ 'scopes',
+ 'connect keys',
+ 'functions',
+ 'remotes',
+ 'modules',
+ 'license'
+ ])}`,
+ start: 'Getting app version details...',
+ end: 'Getting app version details...',
+ details: {
+ banner: (envKey, envType, version) => `${} App [${version}] in [${exports.Text.env.displayEnvironment(envKey, envType)}] includes the following:`,
+ prompt: {
+ options: {
+ banner: 'Select option:',
+ choices: {
+ all: 'Show all properties',
+ manual: 'Manual selection'
+ }
+ },
+ properties: {
+ banner: 'Select properties that you are interested in:',
+ info: 'Note: Changes to the properties below may trigger major version updates in Atlassian systems.\n',
+ headers: ['Property', 'Description'],
+ descriptions: {
+ scopes: 'Product scopes that the app has access to',
+ egress: 'Network permissions',
+ policies: 'Content security policies (Custom UI)',
+ functions: 'Function modules used by the app',
+ modules: 'Modules used by the app (other than functions & remotes)',
+ remotes: 'Remote modules used by the app (Remote backend, Connect or External Auth)',
+ connectKeys: 'Connect on Forge',
+ license: 'Does the app require a license?'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ writeToFile: (file) => `Writing to file: ${file}`,
+ deploymentDate: (date) => `${date.toISOString()}`,
+ scopes: (scopes) => `${itemList(scopes, '')}`,
+ egress: (egresses) => `${itemList( => `[${chalk_1.default.cyan(egress.type)}]: \n ${itemList(egress.addresses, ' ')}`), '')}`,
+ securityPolicies: (policies) => `${itemList( => `[${chalk_1.default.cyan(policy.type)}]: ${policy.policies.join(', ')}`))}`,
+ license: (requiresLicense) => `${requiresLicense ? 'Yes' : 'No'}`,
+ connectKeys: (keys) => `${itemList( => `[${chalk_1.default.cyan(key.product)}]: ${key.key}`), '')}`,
+ storage: (storages) => `${itemList( => `[${chalk_1.default.cyan(storage.type)}]: ${ => `${store.baseUrl} (${store.locations.join(', ')})`).join(', ')}`))}`,
+ functions: (functions) => `${itemList( => `[${chalk_1.default.cyan(func.key)}]: is configured with the following properties: \n ${yaml_1.default.stringify({
+ runtime: `${func.runtimeName}`,
+ handler: `${func.handler}`,
+ dataResidency: `available in ${func.regions.length} regions`
+ }, undefined, ' ').replaceAll('\n', '\n ')}`), '')}`,
+ modules: (modules) => {
+ return `${modules
+ .map((mod) => `${chalk_1.default.bold(mod.type)}\n${itemList( => `[${chalk_1.default.cyan(item.key)}]: is configured with the following properties:\n ${yaml_1.default.stringify(, undefined, ' ').replaceAll('\n', '\n ')}`), '')}`)
+ .join('\n')}`;
+ },
+ remotes: (remotes) => `${itemList( => `[${chalk_1.default.cyan(remote.key)}]: is configured with the following properties: \n ${yaml_1.default.stringify({
+ baseUrl: remote.baseUrl,
+ operations: remote.operations
+ }, undefined, ' ').replaceAll('\n', '\n ')}`), '')}`
+ }
+ },
+ list: {
+ cmdName: 'list',
+ option: {
+ json: 'output results in JSON format',
+ outFile: 'specify a file to output the results'
+ },
+ desc: `returns a summary of all major versions of the app. Summary includes:\n${itemList([
+ 'version number',
+ 'deployment date',
+ 'egress',
+ 'policies',
+ 'scopes',
+ 'connect keys',
+ 'functions',
+ 'remotes',
+ 'modules',
+ 'license'
+ ])}`,
+ start: 'Getting app version list...',
+ end: 'Getting app version list...',
+ details: {
+ banner: (envKey, envType, versions) => `${} Details of a total of [${versions} major versions] in [${exports.Text.env.displayEnvironment(envKey, envType)}] can be seen below:`,
+ deploymentDate: (date) => exports.Text.version.check.details.deploymentDate(date),
+ egresses: (egresses) => {
+ return => `${egress.type}: ${egress.count}`).join('\n');
+ },
+ policies: (policies) => {
+ return => `${policy.type}: ${policy.count}`).join('\n');
+ },
+ modules: (modules) => {
+ return => `${module.type}: ${module.count}`).join('\n');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
deploy: {
cmd: {
desc: 'deploy your app to an environment',
start1: (envKey, envType) => `Deploying your app to the ${exports.Text.env.displayEnvironment(envKey, envType)} environment.\n${ctrlC}\n`,