npm package diff
Package: @forge/cli-shared
Versions: 6.5.2-experimental-147ff14 - 6.5.3-next.0
File: package/out/ui/text.js
Index: package/out/ui/text.js
--- package/out/ui/text.js
+++ package/out/ui/text.js
@@ -706,8 +706,9 @@
bundlingSucceeded: 'App code bundled.',
resourcesBundlingSucceeded: `${greenTick} Resources bundled.`,
functionsBundlingSucceeded: `${greenTick} Functions bundled.`,
cloudflaredLog: (data) => `[cloudflared]: ${data}`,
+ tunnelWithLocalCloudflared: 'Establishing forge tunnel with the local cloudflared binary',
error: {
create: (message) => `Couldn't create tunnel, message: ${message}`,
delete: (message) => `Couldn't delete tunnel, message: ${message}`,
handler: {
@@ -724,9 +725,12 @@
serverNotStartedOnPort: (tunnelPort) => `Failed to connect to localhost:${tunnelPort}. Check that your service is running.`,
cloudflaredError: 'Failed to start cloudflared. Rerunning the command with --verbose may give more details.',
cloudflaredExit: (code) => code
? `Cloudflared exited. Rerunning the command with --verbose may give more details.`
- : `Cloudflared exited with code: ${code}. Rerunning the command with --verbose may give more details.`
+ : `Cloudflared exited with code: ${code}. Rerunning the command with --verbose may give more details.`,
+ cloudflaredUnavailableError: `Please check for any network restrictions that may be blocking the ${chalk_1.default.bold('cloudflared')} package installation, and then reinstall the Forge CLI.\n` +
+ `See ${buildTerminalLink('')}. \n` +
+ 'Alternatively, you can install cloudflared on your machine.'
installationId: {
prompt: "Enter the app's installation ID:",