npm package diff
Package: @forge/cli-shared
Versions: 6.5.1 - 6.5.1-next.2-experimental-d6acbbd
File: package/out/ui/text.js
Index: package/out/ui/text.js
--- package/out/ui/text.js
+++ package/out/ui/text.js
@@ -97,14 +97,9 @@
plaintextCredentialsFound: (url) => `Your credentials were stored in plaintext by a previous version of the Forge CLI. For additional security, revoke your existing API token by visting this URL ${buildTerminalLink(url)}.`,
plaintextCredentialsMigrated: 'The credentials found in plaintext have been migrated to your local keychain.',
plaintextCredentialsNotMigrated: autoSpaceSentences(`The CLI couldn't securely store your login credentials in a local keychain.`, platformKeytarRecommendations(), `If a local keychain is not available, use environment variables instead. See ${buildTerminalLink(gettingStartedDACLink)} for more information.`),
unsupportedNodeVersion: (_userNodeVersion, supportedNodeVersions) => log_color_1.LogColor.warn(`Warning: Forge CLI supports Node.js ${supportedNodeVersions}.` +
- `\nUnsupported Node.js versions are not guaranteed to work correctly.\n`),
- deprecation: {
- uikit: (modules) => {
- return `${chalk_1.default.bold('Warning')}: Your app is currently using deprecated UI Kit 1 modules: ${modules.join(', ')}. ${chalk_1.default.bold('UI Kit 1')} will be removed on February 28, 2025. Please refer to the ${(0, terminal_link_1.default)('documentation', '')} to upgrade your modules.`;
- }
- }
+ `\nUnsupported Node.js versions are not guaranteed to work correctly.\n`)
maxSizeOfUsersWithAccess: 10,
installationContext: {
overviewProduct: 'Select the product your app uses.\n',