npm package diff

Package: @forge/cli-shared

Versions: 6.4.0-next.8 - 6.4.0-next.9

File: package/out/ui/text.js

Index: package/out/ui/text.js
--- package/out/ui/text.js
+++ package/out/ui/text.js
@@ -78,8 +78,20 @@
         licenseOverrideErrors: {
             prodSupport: 'License is not supported in production environments',
             invalid: 'Invalid license value. Supported values are active, inactive, and trial',
             empty: '--license argument requires a value. Supported values are active, inactive, and trial'
+        },
+        licenseModesOverrideErrors: {
+            prodEnvNotSupported: '--license-modes and --users-with-access options are not supported in production environments',
+            empty: '--license-modes option list is empty. Provide a space-separated list of license mode. Supported value is user_access. \nFor example: install --license-modes user_access --users-with-access aaid1',
+            invalid: 'Invalid --license-modes option value. Supported value is user_access',
+            userWithAccessRequired: '--users-with-access option is required when specifying --license-modes option'
+        },
+        userWithAccessOverrideErrors: {
+            prodEnvNotSupported: '--license-modes and --users-with-access options are not supported in production environments',
+            empty: '--users-with-access option list is empty. Provide a space-separated list of Atlassian Account IDs(aaid). \nFor example: install --license-modes user_access --users-with-access aaid1 aaid2',
+            countSize: (maxSizeOfUsersWithAccess) => `User limit exceeded. The --users-with-access option allows a maximum of ${maxSizeOfUsersWithAccess} users.`,
+            licenseModeRequired: '--license-modes option is required when specifying --users-with-access option'
     warning: {
         plaintextCredentialsFound: (url) => `Your credentials were stored in plaintext by a previous version of the Forge CLI. For additional security, revoke your existing API token by visting this URL ${buildTerminalLink(url)}.`,
@@ -87,8 +99,9 @@
         plaintextCredentialsNotMigrated: autoSpaceSentences(`The CLI couldn't securely store your login credentials in a local keychain.`, platformKeytarRecommendations(), `If a local keychain is not available, use environment variables instead. See ${buildTerminalLink(gettingStartedDACLink)} for more information.`),
         unsupportedNodeVersion: (_userNodeVersion, supportedNodeVersions) => log_color_1.LogColor.warn(`Warning: Forge CLI supports Node.js ${supportedNodeVersions}.` +
             `\nUnsupported Node.js versions are not guaranteed to work correctly.\n`)
+    maxSizeOfUsersWithAccess: 10,
     installationContext: {
         overviewProduct: 'Select the product your app uses.\n',
         promptProduct: 'Select a product:',
         overviewSite: '\nEnter your site. For example,\n',
@@ -500,8 +513,10 @@
         bannerWorkspace: `\nInstalling your app onto the selected workspace.\n${ctrlC}\n`,
         optionConfirmScopes: 'skip confirmation of scopes for the app before installing or upgrading the app',
         optionUpgrade: 'upgrade an existing installation',
         optionLicense: 'specify the license value for the app (allowed values: active, inactive, and trial)',
+        optionLicenseModes: '[This feature is under development] specify the list of license mode value for the app (allowed values: user-access)',
+        optionUsersWithAccess: '[This feature is under development] specify the list of Atlassian Account IDs(aaid) for users who have access to the app',
         listScopes: (scopes) => `Your app will be installed with the following scopes:\n${scopes
             .map(({ name, requiresInteractiveConsent }) => `- ${name}${requiresInteractiveConsent ? ' (requires user consent)' : ''}`)
         listEgressAddresses: (egressAddresses) => `Your app will exchange data with the following urls:\n${ => `- ${url}`).join('\n')}\n`,