npm package diff

Package: @forge/cli-shared

Versions: 6.4.0-next.10 - 6.4.0-next.11

File: package/out/ui/text.js

Index: package/out/ui/text.js
--- package/out/ui/text.js
+++ package/out/ui/text.js
@@ -429,8 +429,42 @@
             empty: (path) => `File ${path} appears to be empty.`,
             status: (status, responseBody) => `Upload failed with status ${status} and body:\n${responseBody}`
+    eligibility: {
+        cmd: {
+            cmdName: 'eligibility',
+            desc: 'check if your app is eligible for certain programs like Runs on Atlassian',
+            option: {
+                majorVersion: 'specify a major version'
+            },
+            error: {
+                invalidMajorVersion: 'Invalid major version number'
+            },
+            start: 'Checking eligibility...',
+            end: 'Checking eligibility...',
+            status: {
+                notEligible: (envKey, envType, version, reason) => `${} App [${version}] in [${exports.Text.env.displayEnvironment(envKey, envType)}] is not eligible for Runs on Atlassian.\n${log_color_1.LogColor.warn(itemList(reason))}`,
+                eligible: (envKey, envType, version) => `${} App [${version}] in [${exports.Text.env.displayEnvironment(envKey, envType)}] is eligible for Runs on Atlassian.`
+            },
+            rule: {
+                conversion: (rule) => {
+                    switch (rule) {
+                        case 'HAS_REMOTES':
+                            return 'App is using remote services';
+                        case 'HAS_CONNECT_MODULES':
+                            return 'App has Connect modules';
+                        case 'HAS_DEFINED_EGRESS':
+                            return 'App is egressing data';
+                        case 'HAS_EXPOSED_CREDENTIALS':
+                            return 'App is exposing credentials';
+                        default:
+                            return rule;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
     deploy: {
         cmd: {
             desc: 'deploy your app to an environment',
             start1: (envKey, envType) => `Deploying your app to the ${exports.Text.env.displayEnvironment(envKey, envType)} environment.\n${ctrlC}\n`,
@@ -490,8 +524,10 @@
             notFound: "Couldn't find app deployment"
         outdatedInstallations: `We've detected new scopes or egress URLs in your app.\n` +
             `Run ${forge('install', '--upgrade')} and restart your tunnel to put them into effect.`,
+        postDeploymentRoaEligibilityFailure: (appVersion, envKey, envType) => `${} This app [${appVersion}] on [${exports.Text.env.displayEnvironment(envKey, envType)}] is not eligible for Runs on Atlassian. Run ${forge('eligibility')} to know more.\n\nTo know more about Runs on Atlassian, go to`,
+        postDeploymentRoaEligibilitySuccess: (appVersion, envKey, envType) => `${} This app [${appVersion}] on [${exports.Text.env.displayEnvironment(envKey, envType)}] is eligible for Runs on Atlassian.\n\nTo know more about Runs on Atlassian, go to`,
         listIndexes: (environment) => `Run ${forge('storage', 'entities', 'indexes', 'list', '-e', (0, environment_1.environmentToOption)(environment))} to check the status of the indexes.`,
         reindexingInProgress: {
             continueDeployment: 'Reindexing is currently in progress. Are you sure you want to deploy?',
             successfulDeployment: 'Deployment successful. Please note - indexing currently in progress.'