npm package diff
Package: @forge/cli-shared
Versions: 5.5.0-next.12 - 5.3.1-next.0-experimental-204139e
File: package/out/ui/text.js
Index: package/out/ui/text.js
--- package/out/ui/text.js
+++ package/out/ui/text.js
@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@
return '';
+const ngrokLearnMore = `\nLearn more at ${buildTerminalLink('')}.`;
exports.Text = {
error: {
noKeytar: autoSpaceSentences(`The CLI couldn't securely store your login credentials in a local keychain.`, platformKeytarRecommendations(), `If a local keychain is not available, use environment variables before trying again. See ${buildTerminalLink(gettingStartedDACLink)} for more.`),
noTokenStored: `Not logged in. If a local keychain is available, run ${forge('login')}, otherwise set environment variables before trying again. See ${buildTerminalLink(gettingStartedDACLink)} for more.`,
@@ -290,9 +291,9 @@
confirm: 'Do you want to continue?'
defaultEnv: {
- info: 'You do not have a default development environment set. This is required to run commands without specifying an environment. Make sure not to use sensitive information when naming your default development environment.',
+ info: 'You do not currently have a default development environment set. A default development environment is required to run commands without specifying an environment.',
prompt: 'Enter a name for your default development environment:',
warn: `${chalk_1.default.bold('Warning:')} A development environment with this name already exists. If you continue, you may be using the same environment as another contributor.`,
confirm: 'Do you want to continue?',
setSuccess: (envKey, envType) => `${exports.Text.env.displayEnvironment(envKey, envType)} has been set as your default development environment`,
@@ -497,9 +498,9 @@
bannerSite: `\nInstalling your app onto an Atlassian site.\n${ctrlC}\n`,
bannerWorkspace: `\nInstalling your app onto the selected workspace.\n${ctrlC}\n`,
optionConfirmScopes: 'skip confirmation of scopes for the app before installing or upgrading the app',
optionUpgrade: 'upgrade an existing installation',
- optionLicense: 'specify the license value for the app (allowed values: active, inactive, and trial)',
+ optionLicense: 'specify the license value for the app. Allowed values: active, inactive, and trial',
listScopes: (scopes) => `Your app will be installed with the following scopes:\n${scopes
.map(({ name, requiresInteractiveConsent }) => `- ${name}${requiresInteractiveConsent ? ' (requires user consent)' : ''}`)
listEgressAddresses: (egressAddresses) => `Your app will exchange data with the following urls:\n${ => `- ${url}`).join('\n')}\n`,
@@ -598,10 +599,8 @@
installList: {
cmd: 'list app installations',
banner: `\nShowing all the current installations of your app:`,
noResourceId: 'Unknown site with no resource ID',
- noCloudId: 'Unknown workspace with no cloud ID',
- bbNoResourceId: 'Unknown bitbucket workspace with no resource ID',
noInstallations: `The app is not installed anywhere.\nRun ${forge('install')} to install your app on an Atlassian site.\n`
tunnel: {
cmd: 'start a tunnel to connect your local code with the app running in the development environment',
@@ -610,9 +609,9 @@
functionHandlers: 'list of function handlers declared on manifest to debug, separated by space. This option must be specified if debug mode is enabled. It is only used for Node runtime debugger',
preamble: 'Tunnel redirects requests you make to your local machine. This occurs for any Atlassian site where your app is installed in the specific development environment. You will not see requests from other users.',
startingTunnel: (environmentKey, envType) => `Tunnelling to: ${exports.Text.env.displayEnvironment(environmentKey, envType)}`,
startedServer: (port, isDebug) => `Listening for requests${isDebug ? ' on local port ' + port : ''}...`,
- tunnelType: 'Tunnel provider: Cloudflare',
+ tunnelType: (isCloudflareTunnel) => `Tunnel provider: ${isCloudflareTunnel ? 'Cloudflare' : 'Ngrok'}`,
startedTunnel: (tunnelUrl) => `Started tunnel at address: ${tunnelUrl}`,
stoppingTunnel: 'Stopping tunnel...',
stoppedTunnel: 'Tunnel stopped.',
tunnelStatusChange: (status) => `Tunnel connection status changed: ${status}`,
@@ -645,8 +644,12 @@
functionsBundlingSucceeded: `${greenTick} Functions bundled.`,
error: {
create: (message) => `Couldn't create tunnel, message: ${message}`,
delete: (message) => `Couldn't delete tunnel, message: ${message}`,
+ ngrok: (message) => 'Failed to start tunnel, could not establish a connection.' +
+ (message ? ` Ngrok error: ${message}` : '') +
+ ngrokLearnMore,
+ noNgrokConfig: `Usage of tunnel requires an ngrok account. Set a path to ngrok config file using ${forge('settings', 'set', 'ngrok-config-path', '<value>')}.` + ngrokLearnMore,
handler: {
notFound: (handler) => `Function with handler "${handler}" was not found`
manifestChangeDetected: `Changes to ${manifest_1.MANIFEST_FILE} have been detected. You will need to deploy your forge app to apply these changes.`,
@@ -770,8 +773,15 @@
defaultEnvironment: {
description: 'Change your default development environment',
info: `To view all environments for this app, run ${forge('environments', 'list')}.`
+ },
+ ngrokConfig: {
+ description: 'Path to the ngrok configuration file with authtoken',
+ errors: {
+ inaccessible: (path, code) => `The file ${path} cannot be accessed: ${code}.`,
+ notAFile: (path) => `The path ${path} is not a file.`
+ }
nonInteractive: {
description: 'run the command without input prompts',